buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Blue Horizon - Creative Design Studio style.css header class hero-section nav class nav-container div Blue Horizon class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a Services href #services a Portfolio href #portfolio a Contact href #contact main section id home class hero-content h1 Dive into Design p Where creativity meets the depths of imagination button Explore class cta-button section id services class services-grid h2 Our Services div class service-card div class icon wave-icon h3 Web Design p Creative solutions for modern businesses div class service-card div class icon paint-icon h3 UI/UX Design p Intuitive user experiences div class service-card div class icon code-icon h3 Development p Bringing designs to life section id portfolio class portfolio-grid h2 Featured Work div class portfolio-item div Project Alpha class overlay div class portfolio-item div Project Beta class overlay div class portfolio-item div Project Gamma class overlay section id contact class contact-section h2 Get in Touch form class contact-form input type text placeholder Your Name input type email placeholder Your Email textarea placeholder Your Message button Send type submit class submit-button footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Privacy href /privacy a Terms href /terms a Contact href #contact p Made with passion by Blue Horizon script.js